where have i been? boycotting technology
sometimes it takes a nice friendly kick in the butt to remind me that i should maybe update so people don't begin to think i've fallen off the face of the planet (thanks pghcitiboy). of course at this point it would take a lot more than updated blogs for people to stop thinking that seeing as how AIM, email, and the phone have suddenly become like foreign objects to me. my appologies to all. i don't know what it is but lately most thing technology have just not been appealing to me, including the TV (*gasp!). of course i do blame aaron spelling for that one being that ever since 90210 went off the air there is just nothing worth watching...i kid, i kid. but in all seriousness, truth be told, i don't even use my car that much anymore. in fact on my return trip yesterday from McKeesport where i've been teaching 4th graders the joy and amazment of community service i began to sincerely hate all things driving. it doesn't help that the majority of people in this city drive for crap, we're talking worse than illinois here.
so as for me, that is where i have been, in the spiritual sense anyway. in the physical sense i've been in florida for the past week. will post pictures and write about fun times with the family in a later entry.
as for you, what do you make of this sudden distaste for modern conviences?
I kind of go back and forth with my cell phone. For the longest time I refused to get one, now I can't imagine not having it. I'd love to try ditching it for a week and see what happens.
It'd be great to ditch my email too. Just spend a week without anything electronic. I don't know that I could do it, but it'd be cool to try.
I've been kind of lax lately in updating my blog. I go in cycles with it. Sometimes I have a lot to say, other times I just decide that whatever I was going to rant about isn't worth the effort.
*gasp* but if you didnt check your email for a week your inbox would be overflowing...and that would just simply be a pain in the ass to sort through. my cell phone, i honestly think i'm at a point right now where i could get rid of it, except that three of my best friends are in the midwest and i MUST talk to them frequently. oh and the whole text message thing, which i used to hate but now find myself extremely addicted to.
I flat out refuse to text message anyone. If someone sends me a text then I'll usually call them back instead. It's just too annoying to sit there and press the numbers a million times just to say "Hey, what's up?" when it's much easier to just dial the phone and ask.
I've become a lot better at just ignoring my phone altogether. If I don't want to talk I just turn it off and do whatever I'm doing.
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