Thursday, March 09, 2006

things i'm growing to love:

powerade option fitness water. beats the crap out of propell
my ipod. oh who am i kidding, i've loved the ipod from the day i brought it home.
the fray. music group from denver. sound kinda like train but not really. check them out on
itunes. might be the end of my bank account.
Newman's Own Rasberry Walnut salad dressing. you can't find it in pittsburgh people, so don't even try.
fiona apples new cd, extraordinary machine. its like jazz with pizzazz.
"Blue Like Jazz" by donald miller. quick entertaining read for my Christian friends, and maybe even my non Christian friends.


At 4:18 PM , Blogger ~mandakay said...

the ipod is my one exception to technology. it takes precidence over my cell phone. *gasp* from all who know me from way back when.

At 9:46 PM , Blogger Paperback Writer said...


Oh, the anguish. I've been iPod less for a month...OH, BANK ACCOUNT, CAN'T I PLEASE HAVE AN IPOD?!??!?!?

At 8:11 AM , Blogger Paperback Writer said...

That's an idea....however, I did put my baby through a lot...I'll have to get something to protect it next time.

At 8:26 AM , Blogger ~mandakay said...

i actually splurged and bought the video ipod. thought about the nano but realized that for abou $50 more than the 6 gig i could put videos on it. i too abuse things, my cell phones all look like crap (though surprisingly i've made it 2 years with all of them) so i bought this clear hard plastic case thingie for the ipod and seeing all the scratches on the case i'm glad i did. now i just need something to play it in the car with (no tape player :(). suggestions?

At 11:25 AM , Blogger Paperback Writer said...

Go with the FM transmitter thing. Once you get used to it, using it is a breeze.

At 12:21 PM , Blogger ~mandakay said...

i think the transmitter is my only option unless i want to put a new stereo in my car, and being that i don't actually like my car all that much i'd rather not :). i tried greg's fm transmitter and got nothing though he thought perhaps the batteries might be dead. i guess i'll just do some online reading of reviews of various ones. preferably one that charges too.

At 3:05 PM , Blogger Jordan said...

I have this FM transmitter that also charges. It's made by monster and works great:

Monster FM Transmitter on Amazon

I really like it. You can preset three different stations and switch easilly in case you go through someplace that has a station on that frequency.

Wikipedia has a listing of all the pittsburgh radio station frequencies so you can program around them.

Pgh Radio Stations

At 3:13 PM , Blogger ~mandakay said...

its so refreshing to not have to be the one that supplys all the info on how to retrieve things. why is it that whenever one of my friends or greg needs info about something they don't understand the beauty of google or wikipedia (which i LOVE) or ask jeeves? or maybe its just that i have th emost time. thanks for all your helpful comments!


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