i do solemly swear...
...to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
just got word yesterday from mr. cop man that i'll have to testify next thursday morning. i've never been in court before. i'm so nervous. the cop said all i have to do is just say what it was that was stolen and he will take care of the rest. they are calling this man a serial burglar and are charging him with all 3 counts in my building. not sure how long they hope to put him away for but i'll be a happy girl if he does not get out before i move.
any suggestions for my court appearance?
Here's my suggestion: Don't stress. Just answer the questions and leave. It will all be fine. It's not tough stuff.
Another one?
Dress nicely and know what you're going to say. I mean, don't stammer. Yes, I know it's nervewracking, but don't sweat it.
You'll be fine.
Thanks ladies! the cop put me at ease too. said all i needed to do was say what was stolen and he would take care of the rest. plus it sounds like a bunch of other people are testifying as well.
PW: this is the first time i'll be testifying. the cop first called me about 2 weeks ago and didnt get back to me with the date until last week. oh the legal system.
Sounds like it. But at least something is being done, right?
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