Friday, December 16, 2005

i saw mommy kissing who?

today there will be 3 blogs. because they all concern different topics and it would not be fair to lump them all together. so there will be three blogs at some point anyway.

the first is christmas related. concerns a christmas song actually. the age old classic "i saw mommy kissing santa claus." its more of an opinion blog than anything for the sake of an argumentamy and i had yesterday regarding the content of the song.

below are snippets of my conversation with amy on this matter.

amy: don't laugh but I think I just figured out the song "I saw mommy kissing santa"
amanda: what?
amanda: like you didnt get it?
amy: i just don't think i ever thought about it
amy: like who santa really was
amanda: and what do you mean you just got who santa really was?
amanda: he was santa
amy: but I thought santa was the dad
amanda: no
amanda: santa was santa
amy: but there is no santa
amanda: but little kids don't know that
amy: but adults do
amanda: you can't read into christmas music. if you use "there is no santa" as a basis for things then no christmas song makes sense. rudolph the red nose reigndeer...nope, frosty the snowman, nope
amy: but I like the song when the dad is santa and the kid thinks his mom is cheating
amanda: yeah but its not really cheating if its santa
amy: how so
amanda: actually come to think of it...going with your he's not real statement, it was cheating but with anotehr man
amy: WHAT! You say it was another man dressed up like santa and not her husband? You are taking this to a whole new level
amanda: that's what i'm suggesting. but i dont think he was dressed up like santa. i think he just looked like santa
amy: what! So mommy was making out with an old guy? Ok, now I think you are crazy and just trying to get a reaction from me. I am going to go with my original thought on this song
amanda: no i'm n ot kidding. you know how when you are little you think every guy with a light beard is santa? he doesn't necessarily have to be old
amy: I think you are wrong
amanda: but he never makes it clear that he is the dad
amy: come on, how many couples do you think have a little thingy christmas eve night in santa and ms. santa like outfits?
amanda: he didnt say anything about mommy being ms santa
amy: I know that, I am just saying that the night invites certain wardrobe choices
amy: you know what I mean....
amanda: i'm sticking with infidelity
amy: I am thinking that mommy has a santa fetish
amanda: honestly in little kids eyes kissing santa is not a big deal
amanda: if my m om would have kissed santa i wouldn't have cared
amanda: you are taking this to a whole new leevel
amanda: i'm talking infidelity and you can't handle that with the kids but you can handle sex disorders?
amanda: like fetishism?
amanda: that's just sick
amy: you are totally wrong and maria and I are correct
amy: but the kid just thinks it is santa, but the mom just likes the santa costume
amy: this is too much for me to handle
amanda: yes, but you are still inviting sexual dysfunction into a christmas song
amy: haha...if you want to phrase it that way
amanda: so we have either infidelity or sexual dysfunction
amanda: you pick
amy: you are introducing infadelity
amanda: either one is horrible
amanda: either way the song is clearly unsuitable for children

so i'm asking you all do devirginize my comments section by explaining to me what you think the lyrics to this christmas (clearly not suitable for children) classic mean. do you agree with me or amy or do you have your own thoughts?


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