the woes of miss mandakay
just taking a minute on this sucky sucky friday (i think it should be illegal for the weather to suck this much on a friday in may) to complain about all my ailments. i don't really care if you care, this is my personal therapy...
1. massive canker sore in my mouth that REFUSES to respond to treatment. this is my own fault. i bit down extra hard on my bottom gum last week while eating and whammo! canker appears. then because my stupid mouth isn't used to such deformities within it i keep biting the canker sore when i eat. thus its going nowhere anytime soon. i try to use orajel on it but i want to scream every time i put it on. cleaning it with peroxide and baking soda is also a death sentence. really, this small evil ulcer is putting me in a bad mood all around.
2. my hips, knees, thighs, and feet hurt. i decided to join the gym on saturday (before i heard about wonderful steven vaught--see below) because i'm .06 over the normal BMI for my height. i feel like i'm a lot more than .06 over because if you had said i was .06 over i really wouldn't care. but i feel like i'm 100 over and i'm tired all the time so i thought perhaps a little bit of aerobic apparatus might make me feel a bit better. so this is me: for about four days i run for about 10 minutes straight, walk a couple minutes, run for like 4 minutes then walk a couple minues. greg says i should increase my time by five minutes every 2 weeks to build endurance. but since i sometimes think i am god (i don't really think this christian friends of mine) i decide yesterday that i'm going to amp up to running for 19 consecutive minutes. no walking in between. because i am a rockstar thats why. and so i pay the price today with my whole body aching. to which bff amy says "that's good!" because apparently being in gut wrenchign pain from a workout says that you actually worked. a little pain, good. mandakay's pain, sucky.
3. have i mentioned the canker sore in my mouth yet?
4. i'm cold. i'm pretty much always cold though so this is nothing new. when i was little my mom thought i had anemia. i didnt know what that was, i thought it was some infestation that was taking over my body. i never got tested. so i might have anemia, i might not. my guess is not. if you ask me, rather than climatize to the cold wisconsin winters of my youth my body just stored up all that cold and releases it constantly. currently i have on a short sleeve tee, a hoodie, a jean jacket and a tee shirt over my feet (because i'm smart and know that most heat escapes your body through your head and feet). i hate air conditioning. absolutely hate it. window air conditioners i can stand, but central air really irks me. this is why: i like my air conditioning set at 74 degrees. that way it hardly ever runs which is great not only for the environment but also for my wallet. this means if its 92 degrees outside the air will run but if its 65 i can open the windows and enjoy nature's air conditioning. when i was growing up my family did not have air conditioning. most people did not have air conditioning in wisconsin. my mom always said the lake was the best form of air conditioning and it was free. i learned to love the light breeze as it entered my house and blew the windchimes haning in my window. i liked listening to the birds and smelling the flowers from outside. and i never got headaches. air conditioning gives me headaches like no other. it also makes me really sick as jumping from extreme climate conditions will do. suddenly though everyone has air conditioning. they pretend like this miami or dallas, or pheonix and we have summer for 12 months out of the year. this is pittsburgh for crying out loud. and yes it gets hot, but thats for like a month, maybe. the 'unbearableness' that you people percieve summer as is not heat, its humidity which coincidentally enough if one of the things air conditioning does relieve. but a dehumidifier will do the same thing, and not blow cold air on me all day long.
i do not by the way have air conditioning in my apartment. i use a fan in the window at night to keep me cool. its amazing how easy it is to keep a place cool if you do things like shut blinds and windows during the hot day and oopen them at night.
5. my canker sore still hurts.
thank you for listening.
There is one FDA-approved treatment just for canker sores. It's called APHTHASOL(AP-tha-sawl). It's been hard to find over the years, but any Dentist can write a prescription. It is a paste that you dab on throughout the day. If you start treating right away, the ulcers don't even form. It also doesn't hurt when you use it. Check it out at
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