Thursday, May 04, 2006

On Wisconsin!

a woman from emailed me yesterday and asked if she could have my permission to add my blog to a blog index on the website. i told her of course she did but was slightly confused because 1. my blog is not that great. 2. i live in pittsburgh now and was born in sheboygan and while i love madison with all my heart i only spent the most glorious 4 years of my life there and no more. 3. how did she find me?

so my dear longtime readers this means that i may need to step up the wisconsin banter. which shouldn't be too hard. rocks by the way. its like a one stop shop for all the city's news and events etc. ah, hell i'll spread some propaganda love: check it out...then go visit. its more than cheese and cows, i swear.

but speaking of cheese and cows. did you know sheboygan is known for the 5 'c's? yup, cheese, chairs, churchs, children, cows. y'all are like 'what the hell is sheboygan?' ahh, another story for another day folks.


At 10:20 AM , Blogger Paperback Writer said...

That's cool. I discovered someone who linked me but never posted any comments. So, I tracked him down
through my neato site tracker.

He's a military guy. I'm a little confused because I've written anything remotely miltary. But that's okay. He's a good writer.

But I sometimes wonder how do some of these people find us?

Are these people the Wisconsin people who have been lurking but not commenting?

Once again, hey Wisconsin people! How about a shout out?!?

At 3:11 PM , Blogger ~mandakay said...

i do know who a few of the non-comment people are. if you email me the IP addresses i can publically scorn them (i would never do that ;)). but there are a few lurkers out there yet. i think that the woman from may have found me via google search after my fun post on dear old audrey. she's not too much of a local favorite.

btw, the handicap icon is by the word verification on mine too. when i click on it it talks and says numbers. soo strange.

At 3:12 PM , Blogger ~mandakay said...

WOAH...when i type the numbers in that it says it takes me to a secret warp level...just kidding, but it does save my comment in the same way that typing in the word does. crazy.

At 9:27 AM , Blogger Paperback Writer said...

I accidentally clikced the wheelchair and all of a sudden I heard these people saying numbers. I was so confused I thought I had to march myself over to WPIC!

At 9:40 AM , Blogger ~mandakay said...

at least you would be close, working in oakland and all

At 12:21 PM , Blogger Paperback Writer said...

it's so close i could throw a stone at it!


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