Random thoughts on a random friday
can someone please explain to me why its cold out in the morning again? i have no desire whatsoever to turn in the flip flops again and the cold weather really isn't doing much for the cause.
on a happier note Pitt commencement is Sunday. Yay! i don't care about them graduating. plus the speaker kinda sucks. i care that they will all be done with finals and out of my way by monday. no more crowded bus, no more annoying undergrads romping around on the sidewalk. i hate how undergrads think they are sooooo cool all the time. and on another happy note after being here for 2 years i have just NOW realized there is an einstein bagels on campus...2 actually. so much better than brueggers. i really dislike breuggers and their $125 mugs.
i'm going to columbus this weekend. haven't been there since i was 16 probably. i debated wearing all my wisconsin garb. but i thought that might be mean. but then i remembered that its not like wisconsin is michigan so maybe it wouldnt be mean. oh, ohio state. buckeyes. what the hell is a buckeye anyway? (don't answer that. i know what a buckeye is. its a nut, or a tree, or the stupid mascot thing named brutus. people at ohio state get really defensive about this. i would too if i was up against the likes of the wolverine, bucky badger, and the hawkeye. at least goldie the golpher and the boilermaker make the brutus look a little tougher. i'm off topic aren't i?) when i think of ohio and say it in my head the only way i can say it is if i say it like the end of the drew carey show song 'cleveland rocks OHIO!' or like in the middle of the fifty nifty united states song. Oh-Hi-Oh... have you all heard that song? oh man, i can name all 50 states in alphabetical order in about 25 seconds thanks to that song.
i am apparently a year away from being 'old.' this line comes from a 17 year old who informed me yesterday that you have to celebrate your teenage years because once you turn 25 you're old. i remember when i had thoughts like that. of course given the choice now i can honestly say i'd rather be 25 than 18. you?
and speaking of old...sometimes grandmas rock! well grandmas rock all the time but these grannies are exceptionally cool.
and on that final note i'm out.
Yes! I love the end of a school year! No more big honking backpacks that smack you in the face, no more crowded buses, no more of these kids who look like they own the world.
I own the world!!!
And yes, there are two Einstein's on campus. It only takes me three minutes to get to the one closest to me!
Happy Friday!
Those Wisconsin people have wandered over to my blog now.
pw, you crack me up. i love how your comment was as random as my post :).
hey wisconsinites: i do love you so but please so the world and humble COMMONWEALTH of PA how cool you are by leaving comment love. see the left side of my screen? go ahead and clicky clicky on any of those people (publish or perish perhaps?) and love them. who are we kidding? we are comment whores.
Do you think our entreaties for the Wisconsinites to speak is working?
we breed 'em shy in wisconsin
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