Wednesday, January 04, 2006

me and MLK

its holly's birthday today. yay holly. happy birthday. i'll call her later and wish her well. the enthusiasm will convey better over the phone. holly's 24 today. sucker. a whole 12 days before me (did you all do that math? january 16th. i would like a new pony, please). she's 24 which means she's entered her mid twenties. amy turned 24 way back in august. she's old. but i told her that she could say she was 23 until i turned 24. that way we'd both enter our mid twenties together. and so i was thinking about this today. because holly's birthday always makes me think about my own being that its 12 days later (just in case the math challenge slipped past you all again, january 16th...). and here is what the most exciting thing about my birthday is: this year its a paid holiday. thank you Martin Luther King Jr. i dont think i actually care about being exactly one year older than i was the first time i saw a bright florescent light. i've been able to legally smoke, gamble, drink, drive, watch porn, and have sex for a while now and i still don't get a cheaper rate on my car insurance. (disclaimer, just because i'm legally allowed to do the aforementioned subjects does not me i practice them, i am an angel afterall). actually i think i will just forget its my birthday this year. i always seem to forget how old i am anyway because, with the exception of margy (i love you margy) my friends in pittsburgh are either older or younger than me. thus this year if you so desire to buy me a pony on january 16th, in lieu of wishing me a happy birthday, wish me a happy Martin Luther King Jr. day.


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